Turkeys Can’t Fly?

If you enjoy laughing, you no doubt already know what we’re referring to here…and it was all happening ‘Live’ in front of the “Buckeye Newshawk Award” Winner, Les Nessman!

Easily one of the funnier, and more memorable Thanksgiving Day sitcom scenarios, we’re admittedly drawn back to watch the WKRP in Cincinnati clip every year as Thanksgiving draws near. Not surprisingly, we find it as funny today, as the night it first aired.

“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”

What’s less funny, of course, is when we can liken our own ill-planned marketing experiences to tossing turkeys from a helicopter flying our name or call-sign on a banner.

There’s absolutely something to be said for the gratification that comes with finally launching a new campaign. Likewise the rush of at times throwing caution to the wind and pushing something out that wasn’t researched and vetted can be extraordinary. Extraordinary until you realize Continue reading “Turkeys Can’t Fly?”

I Won’t Back Down

You didn’t have to be alive, nor even near a radio, or television in ’89 to know the song the song today…or to know who sang it.

Credit: Paul R. Giunta/Getty via Rolling Stone

Amid so many other tragic incidents in recent days, the rumored (and largely unsubstantiated at time of writing) passing of one of the greats only adds to the list of grieving.

Despite which version of the meaning of Tom Petty‘s hit you believe, the message carries and has bridged more Continue reading “I Won’t Back Down”

The Place To BEE

No, that truly wasn’t a typo, just us being a bit funny in our almost literal ‘beehive of activity’ over here at DENNER today!

If you’re in Fredericton, NB this coming September (22nd & 23rd, to be exact), or are passing through the beautiful province of New Brunswick, we think you’d quite sincerely want to take a few moments to drop into the inaugural Maritime Honey Festival.

When asked to consider taking on The Festival for 2017, we absolutely jumped at the opportunity and, although it is largely Continue reading “The Place To BEE”

Happy Birthday, eh!

We. Are. Canadian.

We are. No questioning it, and quite proud of it!

Aykroyd was born in our Nation’s Capital, Ottawa.

Now, having said this, we’ve done some amazing work in the US and Italy, and have collaborated on other work across the US…but we absolutely love where we’re from!

And hey, what’s not to love?

We have Maple Syrup, Hockey, Poutine, Donairs, the Canadarm (to name but a few), and we’ve also given the world Alan Thicke, Michael J. Fox, Justin Bieber, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Michael Buble, John Candy, Dan Aykroyd, Mike Myers, Martin Short, and SO many other amazingly talented performers.
Continue reading “Happy Birthday, eh!”

Compliance In Connectivity

No, we’re not talking about whether or not you should use a Samsung, iPhone, or Blackberry…we’re talking about being ‘connected’ to the online world. Social Media for Financial Advisors and Investment Professionals.

Most we’ve done initial assessments with arrive with concerns over their angst in being ‘on social media’. Minds filled with horrific tales of compliance, etc., and feeling connecting with their clients (and potential clients) by any means other than ‘snail mail’ (yup, Canada Post still exists), telephone, or fax (we know…we know).

The reality is, there are many ways to ‘connect’ with the buying public without posting in-depth financial advice, return rates, insurance premiums, and the like. In fact, one of the very best ways… Continue reading “Compliance In Connectivity”

“It’s ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!”

Many thanks to Colin Clive for what is arguably one of the most memorable, and quoted horror film lines of all time, and the foundation of the inaugural post on our new site!

While no one here holds a candle to the acting talent of Boris Karloff, we’re hoping you don’t find our site to be any 1931 Frankenstein, either…but either way, we’ve thrown the switch, and “It’s ALIVE!”.

Despite not having launched under Hollywood stardom, we are hopeful that you find… Continue reading ““It’s ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!””

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